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Institute day

Every year, a day is marked to celebrate the hard work and successes of a large section of people who have demonstrated their academic prowess, as well as excellence in other fields over the entire academic year. This day is celebrated with medals and certificates being awarded to all meritorious students from all the departments across all programmes, ranging from undergraduate through post graduate to research programmes. Apart from being a day where students receive accolades, it is also a day to recognize the achievements of the faculty, i.e., the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (NIT-T) as a whole.

On such an auspicious day where achievements of over a hundred people are celebrated, both directly and indirectly, the occasion would be incomplete without the students across all the years witnessing the same. Those who receive the awards are a living proof that excellence can be achieved across all fields, and NIT Tiruchirappalli verily hosts people who are diverse in talents and skills. Joie de vivre is seeing a huge gathering of peers and friends supporting and encouraging the achievements on this momentous day.

Institute Day - 2022

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
April 27th, 2022 @ 02.30 p.m.

NIT Tiruchirappalli proudly announces its 59th Institute Day on 27th April, 2022 in the normal mode in the presence of students, members of the faculty, and staff.

Prof. V. Kamakoti , Director, Indian Institute of Technology Madras has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest and will deliver the Institute Day 2022 Address.

Prof. V. Kamakoti has been a member of the faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), since 1992. He is a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship in 2020, IESA Techno Visionary Award in 2018, VASVIK Research Award 2017 in the category of Electrical & Electronic Sciences & Technology, IBM Faculty Award in 2016, DRDO Academy Excellence Award in 2013, IITM Young Faculty Recognition Award (YFRA) in 2007 and Lifetime achievement award from Advanced Computing and communication society (ACCS).

Prof. Kamakoti has been a specialist in the Software aspects of VLSI design, Cluster computing, High-performance computing, Algorithms, Data structures and Computational geometry. He held numerous positions in the Government agencies and bodies, such as member of the National Security Advisory Board. He is very well known for leading the Research team that designed and booted up India's first indigenously developed Microprocessor 'SHAKTI' that can be used in mobile computing devices and networking systems. He was appointed by the Ministry of Commerce in 2017 as the Chairman of Task force on leveraging Artificial Intelligence for development across various fields.